by scorpions-tale

“Don’t you want to see them?” Oncie asked.

“No,” Greedler said, crouched up at the corner of the bed, arms around his legs.

“But they’re your family, too,” Oncie said.

“It’d be too hard to explain,” Greedler said.

“Well, you explained it to me, so you’ve already had some practice,” Oncie said, putting a hand on Greedler’s shoulder, “Come on, I bet you miss them, and everyone’s really happy to see me right now.”

“Missing them is the last thing I do!” Greedler said, swatting Oncie’s hand away, “And you do know why they’re so happy to see you, right?”

Oncie bit his lip, he knew that ‘because they missed me’ just wouldn’t be the truth, but it was nice to think that everyone was just really happy to see him for one reason or another.

“I don’t know. We’re family. Family’s happy to see each other,” Oncie said, doing his best to smile.

“You’re in denial,” Greedler said, “But whatever, just don’t make me get in on it.”

“Well, I’ll show you, I’m gonna have a great time with everybody and I’ll tell you about it when I get back,” Oncie said, “Then maybe you can reconsider.”

“I doubt it,” Greedler said, “Have fun.”

Oncie’s problem was that it was a lot harder to lie to your future self than it was for your future self to lie to you. Greedler already knew everything that happened, so he could be right, but the entire reason he was here at all was to change the past, so maybe it wasn’t so set in stone after all. Oncie knew that his family wasn’t always the most supportive, but Greedler seemed like too much of a pessimist to have an objective opinion on it. Oncie decided that he’d do his best to have a good time, even if things turned out as they normally did.

Greedler didn’t even want to think about family right now. He knew that these people weren’t his real family, but that didn’t make much of a difference to him anyways. Eventually, all of them dismissed him as a washed-up has been and left him to his own devices. As far as he was concerned, he never had a real family at all.

Oncie came back after a few hours, smiling ear-to-ear, “See? I had a great time. I wold you it’d go alright.”

“Hm, let me guess,” Greedler said, “They were nothing but proud of you. They knew all along that you’d be a success and they were sorry for ever doubting you.”

“Well, yeah, that was part of it,” Oncie said.

“Strange, that wasn’t their attitude a few days ago, was it?” Greedler said.

“Well, no, but I think they’ve really come around. Sometimes it just takes people a while,” Oncie said, walking over to the fridge to get an apple.

“Strange that that while just so happens to be the moment after you become profitable to them,” Greedler said.

“That has nothing to do with anything, okay?” Oncie said, slamming the fridge door shut, “I had a great time and maybe you’re just jealous.”

Greedler stood up and grabbed the apple out of Oncie’s hand, setting it down on the table, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were saying that just to spite me.”

“Well, maybe I am if you have to be such a big jerk about everything that makes me happy. Look, I’m sorry that bad things happened to you but neither of us is going to be happy if you keep dragging everything down,” Oncie said.

“I didn’t know you had it in you to spite anyone,” Greedler said, gripping Oncie’s arm hard enough to bruise.

“Well, I guess you were wrong about me. I don’t know why you’d think that, anyways, because you’re obviously pretty capable of it,” Oncie said, wrestling his way out of Greedler’s grip.

Greedler thought about that for a moment, and then smiled.

“I’m proud of you,” he said, drawing Oncie into a short kiss, “But you’re directing it against the wrong person. I’m not here to take anything I don’t deserve. Some people, however, will always be around to leech off of the successful. I’m not saying you have to cut them out of your life completely, but – be careful. Don’t give them too much or they’ll take advantage of you.”

“I don’t…I don’t think they’d do that,” Oncie said.

“Now you’re just being stupid. Don’t ruin the moment,” Greedler said, running one finger down Oncie’s cheek, “You have potential now. I’m going to show you how to do things the right way. But I know when you’re about to make a mistake, so you have to promise you’ll listen to me, alright?”

“Well, uh, maybe,” Oncie said, “I think I’d like to do things my way, sometimes. It’s our business, right? Not just yours.”

“Oh, Oncie,” Greedler said, and Oncie cringed a bit because it was the first time Greedler had actually used that nickname for him, “I’m not here to take your business away. I’m here to guide you. Doing things your own way is good and all, but there’s no real merit to making mistakes when you can be taught otherwise, right?”

“I guess so,” Oncie said.

“You want success, right?” Greedler said.

“Of course I do,” Oncie said.

“And wouldn’t it be nice to give them a little taste of their own medicine? They weren’t there when you needed them, why should you be there now? Don’t leave them with nothing, but you don’t need to be quite so generous,” Greedler said, “It’sour company. We’ve done all the work. They’re just lucky enough to be related to us.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Oncie said, “But they’re my family.”

“Yes, yes they are, but your family aren’t always your friends,” Greedler said, flicking Oncie’s hat off and giving his head a pat, “Do you know who your real friend is?”

“Uh…” Oncie hesitated for a moment, but he knew what he was expected to say, “…You?”

“Absolutely right,” Greedler said, “I can show you how friendly I can be, if you’d like.”

Greedler began unbuttoning his suit and Oncie just blushed, unable to get in any reply that wasn’t an incoherent stammer. Greedler didn’t expect any different and he continued removing each item slowly until his top was completely bare, save for the gloves.

This was the first time that Oncie had seen him without his suit on, and he was a little surprised. Greedler still, for the most part, had the same scrawny figure. You could probably count his ribs, if you dared to get in that close. Oncie was expecting a bit more muscle definition to him, with how strong he seemed. But a lot of Greedler’s power was emotional; he could be the least physically intimidating person alive but he’d still seem strong with the way he moved, the way he spoke, the way he seemed able to just take control of any situation.

Something about that appealed to Oncie. He still didn’t think he wanted to be like Greedler. He was bitter, grumpy, and at times a complete jerk. But he did like that powerful aura of his, he liked it a lot, and hoped that it could come without all the negative baggage Greedler seemed to be carrying around.

He reached out to touch Greedler’s chest, running his fingers down it, and was almost surprised to feel his heartbeat. He seemed otherworldly. Ethereal. How many years separated them? Five? Ten? It seemed like millions from Oncie’s point of view. That this person could have once been exactly like him didn’t even seem like a possibility anymore. He was afraid of what had to go on for such a big change to take place, but also strangely intrigued.

“You do want us to be friends, right?” Greedler said, clasping both of Oncie’s hands in his own.

“Y-yes,” Oncie said, completely swept up in Greedler’s allure.

Close friends?” Greedler said, going to undo the buttons on Oncie’s vest.

“…How Close?” Oncie asked, although he already had a pretty good idea.

“Very, very close,” Greedler said, that predatory tone in his voice returning, “Closer than you’ve ever been to anyone.”

“But I’ve always been close to you, right? I mean…” Oncie trailed off, unable to let the ‘you’re-technically-me’ thing hold him back anymore.

“You have no idea how wrong you are,” Greedler said, “Don’t worry, I’ll start you off easy, if you do me a little favor.”

“What is it?” Oncie asked.

Greedler unbuttoned his pants, his cock hard already before he managed to shake his pants and underwear to the floor. He’d never say it out loud, but it had been years since he’d gotten any sort of action like this, after bottling himself up alone for so long. He cupped one hand around the back of Oncie’s head and pushed him downward, ever so slightly.

It took Oncie a moment to figure out what it was that he wanted, but he still clued in on his own and slowly took Greedler’s member into his mouth. Greedler had to bite down on his own lip hard to avoid moaning, his sharp teeth sending a trickle of blood down his chin. As desperate as he knows he’s been for this, he couldn’t allow himself to look it. He wouldn’t be anything other than absolutely in control, as long as he could help it.

Oncie was bad at this, terrible even, as it was his first time, but for the length of time Greedler had waited it may as well have been the best he’d ever gotten. His back arched and he clung tightly to Oncie’s shoulder, determined not to come too early, as if Oncie at this stage would know what was early or not.

Oncie tried his best to impress Greedler, but he was awkward the whole time, barely moving at all at first, then going in too deep before he found just the right rhythm, his hand clasping the base. Greedler didn’t let out any noise louder than that low growl he often had while angry, although he definitely wasn’t angry this time.

Greedler finally allowed himself to come, Oncie pulling back as if he were surprised when the warm liquid shot into his mouth. Greedler gave a small laugh, he knew that Oncie was naïve, for sure, but he’d definitely tried it on his own before. It shouldn’t have surprised him.

“Now it’s your turn,” Greedler said, grinning.

Oncie took one look at those teeth, a streak of blood still covering the top row, and shook his head, “Actually, I think I’m fine.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I’m not an idiot. I wouldn’t do it like that anyways,” Greedler said. Giving a blowjob was an action he considered far too submissive for his standards. He wouldn’t even be doing what he was about to do now, if he didn’t want to ease Oncie into physical contact before he could go all out.

Greedler snaked one hand down Oncie’s pants and he quickly tensed up with pleasure, showing more reaction to that little touch than Greedler did the entire way through. Oncie still wasn’t sure if Greedler’s hands were much better than his teeth, but he nodded his approval, the shivers of pleasure that coursed through him already being enough motivation to take the risk.

Greedler yanked Oncie’s pants off with his usual force, but as he stroked his past self’s cock he was surprisingly gentle, surprisingly skilled. His nimble movements showed all the skill and precision a guitar player ought to have – that was a hobby Greedler had never given up, even when he was alone, and he’d channeled his knowledge into this. It was frightening, being in the grip of someone who could so easily hurt him, but Greedler never did.

It was a good thing that his family had brought their own place to stay, because Oncie wasn’t very good at being quiet. He moaned loudly with every motion, and squirmed so much he would’ve fallen off the bed if Greedler hadn’t been holding onto him with his free hand.

“You have power now, you know,” Greedler said, never ceasing his strokes.

“W-what?” Oncie said, barely coherent.

“The ball is in your court, dear Oncie, you control the assets, you control people,” Greedler said, “You can give as little as possible to anyone who you need to keep close, and they won’t say a thing because they need you, they won’t cut you off and risk getting nothing.”

“I – I don’t k-know-“ Oncie stuttered out in between moans.

“I do. You’ll learn to embrace it, to use it to your advantage as I have,” Greedler said, suddenly ceasing his touches and leaving Oncie to writhe in anticipation, “You want it, don’t you?”

“Y-yes,” Oncie said.

“As in control as I am of you right now, you could be to them. It’s a good thing. You’ll learn to love it,” Greedler said, his hand moving towards Oncie’s cock again, “Just know one thing.”

“What?” Oncie said, just wanting to feel the touch of those velvety gloves on his cock again.

“You have power over them, not me,” Greedler said, going in for one final stroke as Oncie came.

Oncie let out a yell and fell over limp into Greedler’s arms, still not sure exactly what he was talking about or what he was agreeing with, aside from the fact that it all felt so good.

“Next time we can go all the way,” Greedler whispered, propping Oncie up on the pillow so he could rest.

The last thing Oncie felt before he passed out was Greedler pulling him backwards, his back pressed up against Greedler’s bare chest.