by flymyway

He struggled to get free from the older’s hold but he found it impossible. Once ler took this as an opertunity and quickly tied him up with the Thneed. “Poor,poor Oncie. What are you going to do now. NOTHING that’s what!” The older bashed his lips into the younger’s passionately. Oncies wet blue eyes widened to this action. At first he just helplessly laid there tied up. Then he bashed his head into the olders. It hurt but at least now he could breathe. Once ler got up rubbing his forehead in pain.

“You shouldn’t have done that Once.”

His heart sped up faster as crystal tears fell from his face. “Please just ssstop. G-go away.” Once ler growled angry and clenched his hands into fists. “NO!!!” Oncie was taken back by his response. “You think I’m just going to leave because you ask me to. Well NO!” Now Oncie was crying and had a hurt expression on his face. The olders face began to relax and calmed as he slowly walked over to the younger.

“Hey I’m sorry I yelled at you. It’s just that I get frustrated when things don’t go my way. I knew better than to yell because,well youre me. But I’m not just going to leave,ok buddy.” Oncie couldnt believe his ears. His counterpartner was talking to him like he was an eight year old. “I just thought that you would like company and someone to play with.”

“How should that involve kissing me?” The older smiled. “Oh that’s where we were.” He held the youngers face in his hands and kissed him. His tounge slid into the youngers mouth. “Mph mmhm mpm.” The younger moaned in pleasure as the older carressed his cheek. He stopped kissing so he could catch his breath. He then caressed the youngers neck. He licked it up and down. “Uhng ngh please… Hunhg… Sstooop..” Instead of that Once ler kissed his neck. Then he nipped at it. Up and down. Oncie moaned in pleasure. “Ungh Ohh… Pleassse..”

He nipped at his neck one more time harder than before. Not enough to make him bleed but enough to leave a mark. “So how about we do some more shall we.”

Oh no, thought Oncie. “Relax.” The older started to tug down his shirt. Oh no!